
I am working for the Department of Information and Communication at Myongji University as an Associate Professor. From March 2017 to February 2020, I have been working for the Department of Computer Software at Korean Bible University as an assistant professor. 

From November 2014 to February 2017, I have been working in LG Electronics as a Senior Researcher for Wi-Fi standardization (IEEE 802.11ax, Wake Up Radio, Wi-Fi Alliance, etc.). 

From January 2013 to October 2014, I joined INRIA Research Center as a Postdoctoral Researcher where I work at DIONYSOS Research Group and in Télécom Bretagne as a Postdoctoral researcher where I undertake the system implementation for Multi-path TCP on wireless networks. 

Research activity was focused on wireless communications and networks: QoE (Quality of Experience), security and resource management with QoE Net Member who consists of César VIHO - IRISA/INRIA & Université Rennes 1, Jean-Marie BONNIN - Telecom Bretagne & IRISA/OCIF, Kandaraj PIAMRAT - University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, and Kamal Deep SINGH - Telecom Bretagne. 

From September 2011 to February 2013, I joined Korea University (Information technology center) as a Research Professor. I was also working at Mobile Networks and Communications Laboratory with Prof. Sangheon Pack at Korea University, Korea. 

I received a Ph.D. degree from the School of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Korea University (supervisor: Prof. Chul-Hee Kand and Prof. Sangheon Pack), Korea in August 2011.

DAN (Data Analysis and Networking) Lab

Group Leader: Prof. Hyunhee Park

Office: 5543 Engineering BD 5, Myongji University

[Google Scholar]

Myongji University / Associate Professor (2020.03 ~ Current)
Department of Information and Communication

Korean Bible University / Assistant Professor (2017.03 ~ 2020.02)
Department of Computer Software

LG Electronics / Senior Research Engineer (2014.10 ~ 2017.02 / Work scope: Wi-Fi Standardization - IEEE 802.11ax, 11ba (Wake Up Radio), etc.)
Internet of Things (IoT) Team / IEEE 802.11ax 표준화 그룹 멤버, IEEE 802.11ba(WUR) 표준화 그룹 멤버 / Seocho R&D Campus (CTO Division/Advanced Standard R&D Lab.), Seoul KOREA

INRIA / Postdoctoral researcher, France (2013.01 ~ 2014.10) Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique
French Institute for Research in Computer, 2 rue de la Châtaigneraie 35576 Cesson Sévigné Cedex, FRANCE
DIONYSOS (Team of Dependability, Interoperability and Performance Analysis of Networks) Research Group
Télécom Bretagne / Postdoctoral researcher, France (Grande École d'ingénieur et un centre de recherche international en sciences et technologies de l'information) Institut Mines-Télécom (Dépt. Réseaux, Sécurité et Multimédia)

Korea University / Research professor/Postdoctoral fellow, South Korea (2011.09 ~ 2013.01)

Korea University, Ph. D. School of Electrical Engineering / under supervisor Prof. Chul-Hee Kang and Prof. Sangheon Pack, (2011.08)

[Standardization] IEEE 802.11 표준화 기고

Patents (Before 2017)


